Post by account_disabled on Feb 27, 2024 12:26:54 GMT 6
In May 2020, the second stage of Pavel Durov's contest to create an algorithm for ranking news within telegrams began - Data Clustering Contest. The aggregator will have to find and highlight articles in Russian and English, distribute them by subjects, categories, publication time. After that, recommend users to read the news in various topics. Given that users read news or professional articles in Telegram, the update will attract even more people willing to receive content in a timely manner What the Ukrainian audience reads in Telegram What the Ukrainian audience reads in Telegram Telegram channel as a marketing tool "Marketing is, first of all, about the target audience.
It always starts with the consumer and is aimed at creating value for him. All communication channels that exist on the market are the EL Salvador Mobile Number List way to your customer. That is why you need to understand who your customers are and where they are most often on the Internet. Telegram is one of the most popular "places of residence" for young and adult audiences at the same time. But the main feature is that people come to this messenger to communicate with their relatives and friends. Therefore, the task of the business is also to ensure that the channel fits into this "home" environment and becomes familiar to the consumer. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of a Telegram channel for your target audience and in their language.
Imagine being able to speak directly to customers, advise, entertain or help make decisions on an equal footing with friends or acquaintances. Isn't that what every business dreams of? » ‒ Olena Melnyk, Head of Marketing at Webpromo. Does the channel in Telegram affect the SEO of the site? "There is no evidence or research that a link in Telegram has the same effect as a guest post for the site. But such links definitely benefit the site. Although they are not SEO-traffic, which gives conversions from search networks, clicks on them indirectly affect the positions of key queries. Specifically, it is a behavioral factor. A potentially targeted user goes to the site, and the probability of taking targeted actions from such a user is higher.
It always starts with the consumer and is aimed at creating value for him. All communication channels that exist on the market are the EL Salvador Mobile Number List way to your customer. That is why you need to understand who your customers are and where they are most often on the Internet. Telegram is one of the most popular "places of residence" for young and adult audiences at the same time. But the main feature is that people come to this messenger to communicate with their relatives and friends. Therefore, the task of the business is also to ensure that the channel fits into this "home" environment and becomes familiar to the consumer. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of a Telegram channel for your target audience and in their language.
Imagine being able to speak directly to customers, advise, entertain or help make decisions on an equal footing with friends or acquaintances. Isn't that what every business dreams of? » ‒ Olena Melnyk, Head of Marketing at Webpromo. Does the channel in Telegram affect the SEO of the site? "There is no evidence or research that a link in Telegram has the same effect as a guest post for the site. But such links definitely benefit the site. Although they are not SEO-traffic, which gives conversions from search networks, clicks on them indirectly affect the positions of key queries. Specifically, it is a behavioral factor. A potentially targeted user goes to the site, and the probability of taking targeted actions from such a user is higher.